We posted a new essay in our E-Library!
Filosofia da Educação no Brasil: uma particular experiência do pensar na educação? by Pedro Angelo Pagni, UNESP Brasil
Abstract: There is a difference between the philosophy of education produced in Brazil and other countries, or its claim to universality to exonerate him of seeking any particularity of experience of thinking in Brazilian education? On this issue and of the challenges thrown by a multiple ethnic and diverse cultural constitution as Brazil, the present research proposed to seek an answer to the question referred, to reconstitute the historical and philosophically the genesis and the development in the philosophy of education in Brazil. Although some studies have tried to address the history of the philosophy of education in Brazil since the years 1980, the present research aims to contribute to the construction of another look on the historical reconstruction of the manifestations of the philosophy of education such as teaching, field research and thought. To this end, we have developed a historical-philosophical analysis of the moments that emerges these manifestations emerge as an experience of thinking in education and we talk about the possibility or not of its particularity, specifically, in order to indicate their main challenges today. We conclude with an affirmative answer in relation to the existence of a particular experience of thinking in education, however, we can imagine that such particularity was lost, thanks to its institutionalization, the abandonment of the emerging problems of thinking cultural and educational reality and the very ethos of the subject who thinks, to settle the supposedly generalizantes parameters in academia.
Keywords: philosophy of education
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Monday, September 9, 2013
LAPES Unveils its Library
LAPES will unveil its library on September 16th at 5pm in 420 Hamilton Hall, Columbia University. Join us for a short reading laboratory and conversation, and celebrate one of our first events of the year!
LAPES will unveil its library on September 16th at 5pm in 420 Hamilton Hall, Columbia University. Join us for a short reading laboratory and conversation, and celebrate one of our first events of the year!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
The 2013 LAPES Symposium: November 1-2 in NYC
We have officially changed the dates of our LAPES symposium to November 1-2, 2013. The symposium will be held in NYC (exact location TBD). Stay tuned for more information.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Imágenes, activismo, educación e investigación
A new addition to our E-Library!
"Imágenes,activismo,educación e investigación en Argentina contemporánea: los usos del audiovisual por grupos auto-‐gestionados orientados hacia la autonomía" by, FLURY, Jorgelina (Incluir -Argentina), HERAS MONNER SANS, Ana Inés (IRICE-Conicet Argentina/ Incluir- Argentina), BURIN, David (Incluir -Argentina) y ACOSTA, Cecilia (IRICE Conicet Argentina).
"Imágenes,activismo,educación e investigación en Argentina contemporánea: los usos del audiovisual por grupos auto-‐gestionados orientados hacia la autonomía" by, FLURY, Jorgelina (Incluir -Argentina), HERAS MONNER SANS, Ana Inés (IRICE-Conicet Argentina/ Incluir- Argentina), BURIN, David (Incluir -Argentina) y ACOSTA, Cecilia (IRICE Conicet Argentina).
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Another addition to the E-Library
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales – FLACSO, Argentina
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
From "Filosofía con niños y jóvenes" by Maximiliano Lopez: Text for our Inaugural Reading Laboratory
Below is a short except from the last chapter of Maximiliano Lopez's 2008 book Filosofía con niños y jóvenes. It was translated from the Spanish by David Backer and Jason Wozniak, and will be the subject of our inaugural reading laboratory in Milbank Chapel, 4pm, April 19th.

Chapter VI
A tragic maieutic
At the beginning of this work, we raised the idea that "philosophy for children" might be considered a tragic meautic. As is well known, in Greece, maieutic was the work of midwives, female aids of the birthing process. Socrates, a midwife's son, used this term to define his own activity, considering it a way to help give birth, not in the physical sense but rather in the realm of thought. We also might consider "philosophy for children" a maieutic, given that it is an attempt, once again, to give birth--only in this case to a palabra propia(one’s own word).To grasp the sense in which we must understand the expression "palabra propia," it's necessary to think of the above maieutic as a "tragic maieutic," rather than just another another thing with a tragic intensity. In the first chapters of this book we thought of the tragic in terms of two interconnected topics: on the one hand, the relation between form (which is necessarily limited) and formlessness (which is infinite); on the other hand, the relation between chronological time (time that may be mediated and represented) and becoming-time (pure, immediate time).Definitively, we can stipulate that the tragic constitutes a theory of creation, and, as such, points directly to the border separating and linking life and death, form and infinity, words and the unspeakable, the past and the yet-to-come. The tragic is a tentative way to understand the relation that exists between historical continuity and creation, between the causal chain of events and the emergence of a novelty for which deduction is impossible and causality irrelevant.In the previous chapter we saw how the form-formlessness relation and the distinction between chronological time and becoming-time can help us to understand the rift between wisdom and feeling. While knowledge accumulates or disappears as (linear) time passes, feeling is a kind of event which produces an intense temporality, a kind of time that's born and dies every time a word is pronounced. While this relation is often thought in the context of subjectivity--that is, the knowledge of self--we find that there exists within us this tension between that which we know about ourselves--and, out of which which we construct an identity--and that which appears within us as feeling. This feeling, we've seen, escapes any representation, given that it doesn't express that which we are but rather that which we are becoming, that which does not permit of transformation into anything else.The "palabra propia" is a generative word, a singular word, an event which no law regulates. This is why we may only help its birth indirectly. The figure of the midwife seems appropriate here once again. S/he helps you give birth but will never give birth for you, or take your place in your own birthing process. In the same way, the midwife may help to give birth to a palabra propia but s/he may neither say what that word is nor find it for you; it is only possible to try and prevent words from becoming cliches.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Inaugurating LAPES!
This Saturday at 4pm, the Latin American Philosophy of Education Society will officially announce its existence. We're very excited! The inauguration will be a special event for the IX Association of Latin American Students (ALAS) conference at Teachers College, Columbia University. It will take place in Milbank Chapel, following a panel with Linda Martin Alcoff, Walter Kohan, Eduardo Duarte, and Tyson Lewis.
Milbank Chapel
The inauguration will have a few elements. First, founding members Jason Wozniak and Ana Cecilia Galindo Diego will announce the mission and history of the group, as well as what it plans to offer. They will also announce the Society's relationship with the Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race at Columbia University.
Maximiliano Lopez
Finally, founding member David Backer will facilitate a fishbowl discussion with seven participants, the first of LAPES's "reading laboratories." This discussion will be about a short excerpt from Maximiliano Lopez's 2008 book Filosofía con niños y jóvenes, translated from the Spanish by David Backer and Jason Wozniak. This will be the first time Lopez's book will appear in English translation, and we hope to get some thinking going about the concepts he's concerned with there.
The inauguration will have a few elements. First, founding members Jason Wozniak and Ana Cecilia Galindo Diego will announce the mission and history of the group, as well as what it plans to offer. They will also announce the Society's relationship with the Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race at Columbia University.
Finally, founding member David Backer will facilitate a fishbowl discussion with seven participants, the first of LAPES's "reading laboratories." This discussion will be about a short excerpt from Maximiliano Lopez's 2008 book Filosofía con niños y jóvenes, translated from the Spanish by David Backer and Jason Wozniak. This will be the first time Lopez's book will appear in English translation, and we hope to get some thinking going about the concepts he's concerned with there.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
New Issue of Uruguayan "Revista Fermentario"
Saturday, April 6, 2013
This Week's E-Library Addition:
This week, we are honored to add Beatriz Fabiana Olarieta's essay "La lectura filosófica de un texto en las experiencias de Filosofía con Niños.Reflexiones a partir del concepto de “alegoría” de Walter Benjamin" to our E-Library collection.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Announcing: ALAS XI Annual Conference: Teachers College, Columbia University
The Association of Latin American Students at Teachers College, Columbia University will hold its eleventh annual conference April 18-20, 2013. Presenters include Cynthia Lawson Jaramillo, Walter Kohan, Linda Alcoff, Tyson Lewis, and Eduardo Duarte. Go to ALAS's website to register.
In addition to presentations on a variety of topics (here is the full program), LAPES will officially announce its website, mission, and vision.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
New Addition to the E-Library
This week's addition to our growing E-library.
"Ideas Que Riman," an essay by Maximiliano Lopez, Professor of Philosophy of Education at Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora.
(Image from RHYTHM/COLOR: MORRIS MEN Michael James Somerset, Massachusetts 1986)
"Ideas Que Riman," an essay by Maximiliano Lopez, Professor of Philosophy of Education at Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora.
(Image from RHYTHM/COLOR: MORRIS MEN Michael James Somerset, Massachusetts 1986)
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Two Conferences Coming Up
1. IV Simposio Internacional Filosofia y Educacion primera convocatoria 2013(1)
2. Primeira chamada
La Comisión Organizadora extiende cordial invitación al:
IV Simposio Internacional de
Filosofía y Educación.
Tema central:
Filosofías de la violencia y los sentimientos.
Caracas, 28, 29 y 30 de noviembre de 2013
Se anexa al presente correo, documento de la Primera Convocatoria con presentación, objetivos, temas y estructura de las actividades del simposio internacional.
Para más información comunicarse con la
Comisión Organizadora a través del correo electrónico:
eeiaso96@gmail.com2. Primeira chamada
Acontecerá em Agosto de 2013 na Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora o V Simpósio Internacional em Educação e Filosofia.
Maiores informações sobre o evento, eixos temáticos e submissões de trabalho são encontradas no documento abaixo.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Our New E-Library
LAPES launched its electronic library resource this morning, starting with an essay in Spanish by Eduardo Mendieta.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Latino/a Philosopher--A National Symposium, March 15-17
Monday, March 4, 2013
LAPES website begins
Today, the Latin American Philosophy of Education Society launched its website: Lapes/blog.
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